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Prop R -- "Let's Build a Greenhouse"

SAINT CHARLES, MO -- Orchard Farm School District recently had its no-tax-increase bond issue approved, Proposition R. The Proposition asks for funding for the most important projects that Orchard Farm NEEDS, including a brand new greenhouse. The need for a greenhouse is obvious. Since the beginning of time, Orchard Farm has felt one absence in its curriculum: We have math, science, English, history, art, choir... Of course, we are missing the one other curriculum area: Greenhouse.  "I-I don't think we need a greenhouse," some kid we interviewed said. "I think we need a theater."  HA! What is a theater? I'm not sure. Clearly, we need a greenhouse.  "I don't want to go into STEM," another student said. "I want to go into [Greenhouse]*." Another plus of Prop R: the bathrooms are being updated!  "I hope they put real locks on the stall doors in the girl's bathroom by the cafeteria," an anonymous membe
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